How I started running: I remember seeing my friend, Katrina, constantly post about her weekly runs through an app called runkeeper on
her facebook page. I was intrigued by it because this was a mom of three kids
and she looked AMAZING. At that time, I was not feeling amazing. My college and
work hours made me gain around 25 lbs. I constantly
had headaches, and my stomach was causing me a lot of digestive problems. I started walking
on the treadmill in December 2011, and then I did the beginner 5k training on
runkeeper which was a lot like the Couch to 5k App. I absolutely dreaded each treadmill run for the first two months, but my friend told me that
the more I stayed on my training schedule, the easier it would become. I ran my
first 5k in April 2012 at the Chick-fil-a 5k in Athens. I finished around 36
minutes, and wow, was I sore and miserable when I crossed the finish line.
However, 15 minutes later, I felt that satisfaction of finishing a race (yep, I was HOOKED!), and while my husband was driving me
home, I was looking for another 5k to register and run! In 2013 I ran my first
half marathon, while in 2014 I ran my first marathon. To this date, I have ran 20+ 5ks and 10ks, 14 half marathons, three marathons, three ultramarathons, and other various distances on the pavement and trails.
Holly's first 5k- 2012
Why I started running: Like mentioned above, I started
running because I saw my friend's facebook posts about her training runs.
In the beginning for me, I really just wanted to lose weight and look better,
but wow, much more happened to me than that. Yes, I did end up losing a lot of
weight and toning up, but my stomach issues stopped. My thyroid, which had fluctuated
for years that made me have to change medication dosage quite often, started to
stay stable. Running also has helped me control anxiety and depression which
can be associated with thyroid disease. Finally, but more importantly, I met so
many amazing people in our Huntsville running community. We Run Huntsville and
this sport called running has enhanced my life, and I couldn’t be more thankful
for that.
What keeps me running: the happiness and health that it
brings me, race bling, marathon race swag, the early start to my day, runner’s high, running pals, and so
much more. I LOVE TO RUN. I love the feeling that it brings me during a run and
after a run. There is nothing like it! I tell people all the time that if I, Holly Keeton, can run (especially a marathon), you can too! All it takes is following a great training plan (I prefer Hal Higdon) and a great pair of running shoes that are fit for you! Go for a run, it just might change your life!
Marathon #3- Rocket City Marathon 2015